about The Book

About the Book

A True Story of a Catholic Priest:
Why I Got In – Why I Got Out – And What I Learned Through It All

In my current autobiography, A True Story of a Catholic Priest – Why I Got In – Why I Got Out – And What I Learned Through It All,  I delve deeply into the following themes:

  • Choosing a career and ultimately changing careers; 
  • Taking the spiritual journey from childhood religious fantasies to an adult posture regarding ultimate questions of life;
  • Stories, insights and learning from the business world;  
  • growth, stagnation, and hangups regarding sexuality and relationships with both sexes;
  • Like Yoda taught Luke Skywalker in “Star Wars”  – the things I had to unlearn and relearn through the years 

I highlight and introduce you to fascinating and captivating people from various walks of life.

And sprinkled through the book are solid doses of eclectic wisdom, humor and the vicissitudes of everyday life.

In this book, as well as my future books, podcasts, and presentations, I offer reflections on – self-improvement, inspiration, personal growth, emotional support, business ventures, motivation, spirituality, history, and biography.

I’ll also tell some good jokes and share some good stories.

In the long run, I trust that my story will be a stepping off point for discussions about our lives today.

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